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XiaoYu Yang
来源: | 日期:2017-07-26 | | 【

XiaoYu Yang earned his B.S. degree from Jilin University in 2000 and his joint Ph. D. degree from Jilin University, China and FUNDP, Belgium(co-education) in 2007.After a postdoctoral fellowship at the FUNDP, he worked as a “Chargé de Recherches” at the F.N.R.S. (National Foundation of Scientific Research, Belgium). He is currently working as research professor at State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Material Synthesis and Processing. He is a recipient of Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of the Chinese Ministry of Education in 2011, Program for “Chutian Scholar Professor” at Wuhan University of Technology in 2010, “Qiu-Shi Outsdanding Postgraduate” of Hong Kong in 2005, “Outstanding Young Scholars” of Hubei in 2016 and “Outstanding Contribution Award (Innovative Research Team, major participant)” of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas. His research is aimed at self-assembly materials, porous materials, catalysis, and cell-surface-engineering. He has authored and co-authored over 50 scientific publications, including over 50 peer-reviewed journal papers, 1 book, 6 book chapters and 10 patents etc. The average impact factor of SCI paper is over 6.0. H-index is 26 and i10-index is 38. Some important results have been published on leading journals such as Advanced Materials, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Energy. Environ. Sci. Chem. Sci. and Chem. Soc. Rev. etc. A dozen highlighted hot papers have been selected as “AA paper”, “Heart cut paper”, “Cover paper”, “Inside-cover paper”, “Back-cover paper”, “Frontispieces paper” and “Trends in chemistry in 2006”. He has given over 30 invited lectures in scientific seminars, forums and conferences. (His email address:

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