学术报告:Polymer Brushes: From 3D Nanopatterning to Textile Applications

报告题目:Polymer Brushes: From 3D Nanopatterning to Textile Applications


报告时间:2011年7月19日(星期二)09:00 - 10:00




Polymer brushes are polymer that tenders one end on the surface. Because of its chemical diversity, mechanical robustness, and high grafting density, polymer brush shows great potentials in a wide variety of applications ranging from electronic fabrications to stem cell researches. This talk will focus on two important issues with polymer brushes. The first part will be focused on the state-of-the-art development of a nanotechnology, namely “dip-pen nanodisplacement lithography (DNL)”, for making 3D polymer structures. The second part will demonstrate how one can use polymer brushes as a nanoplatform for making flexible and stretchable metallic textiles.


Assistant Prof.: 2009-present, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Postdoctoral Fellow: 2008-2009, Northwestern University, USA

Ph.D.: 2007, University of Cambridge, UK

Research Assistant: 2003.10-2004.08, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

B. Eng.: 2003, Tsinghua University
