10月30日:Fabrication of 3D-Patterned Structures of Functional Materials

报告题目:Fabrication of 3D-Patterned Structures of Functional Materials

报 告 人:周学昌 副教授,深圳大学

报告时间:1030日(星期五) 上午09:30




To survive in nature, living systems display complex surface morphologies at different length scales towards highly-defined chemical/physical properties, and diverse biological functions. To mimic these functions, artificial 3D structures are more promising yet challenging to make, owing to the remarkable complexity in the simultaneous alignment of in-plane lateral spacings and out-of-plane heights. In this seminar, Dr. Zhou will present his recent progress on the high-resolution fabrication of user-defined 3D structures of functional materials by scanning probe lithography.



周学昌,男,1982年生,博士,副教授/化学系副系主任,深圳大学化学与环境工程学院。2005年毕业于中国科学技术大学并获高分子化学专业学士学位,2005-2010年在香港中文大学化学系学习获硕士、博士学位。20108月至20141月在香港理工大学从事博士后工作。20143月起,作为副教授和深圳市海外高层次人才受聘于深圳大学,同年入选深圳大学优秀青年教师培养计划“荔园优青”。入职以来,先后获得国家青年基金(1项)、深圳市基础研究项目(1项)、深圳市高端人才启动项目(1项)等项目资助。研究背景和兴趣主要包括高精度表面图案化技术、表面改性、微纳芯片制造、3D聚合物刷打印术、柔性导体等。迄今在国际知名期刊上发表学术论文20余篇,包括:Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Adv. MaterSmallAnal. Chem.NanoscaleMacromoleculesMacromol. Rapid Commun.等;论文引用500余次。


1.    基于高分辨表面图案化技术制备多元复合聚合物刷结构的研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目(21404072),25万,2015.01.01-2017.12.31,项目负责人。

2.    聚合物刷3D打印技术的研发,深圳市高端人才启动项目,449万,2015.01.01-2017.12.31,项目负责人。

3.    基于精细表面图案化技术制备三维功能化聚合物表面结构的研究,深圳市基础研究项目,35万,2014.12-2016.12,项目负责人。

4.    基于液相扫描探针刻蚀术制备聚合物刷三维结构的研究,深圳大学青年教师启动项目,6万,2014.06.01-2016.05.31,项目负责人。







1.         X. C. Zhou(周学昌), X. L. Wang, Y. D. Shen, Z. Xie, Z. J. Zheng* “Fabrication of Arbitrary Three-Dimensional Polymer Structures by Rational Control of the Spacing between Nanobrushes” Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2011, 50, 6506. (选为卷首页亮点论文, 分别被英国皇家化学会和英国Nature出版集团作亮点报道)

2.         T. S. Gan, X. C. Zhou(周学昌)*, C. F. Ma, X. Q. Liu, Z. Xie, G. Z. Zhang*, Z. J. Zheng* “Liquid-Mediated Three-Dimensional Scanning Probe Nanosculpting” Small 2013, 9, 2851. (*通讯作者, 选为卷首页亮点论文)

3.         X. C. Zhou(周学昌), Z. L. Liu, Z. Xie, X. Q. Liu, Z. J. Zheng* “High-Resolution, Large-Area, Serial Fabrication of 3D Polymer Brush Structures by Parallel Dip-Pen Nanodisplacement Lithography” Small 2012, 8, 3568. (选为卷首页亮点论文)

4.         X. C. Zhou(周学昌), X. Q. Liu, Z. Xie, Z. J. Zheng* “3D-Patterned Polymer Brush Surfaces” Nanoscale 2011, 3, 4929.

5.         X. C. Zhou(周学昌), J. F. Li, C. Wu, B. Zheng* “Constructing the Phase Diagram of an Aqueous Solution of Poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) by Controlled Microevaporation in a Nanoliter Microchamber” Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2008, 29, 1363.

6.         X. C. Zhou(周学昌), L. Lau, W. W. L. Lam, S. W. N. Au, B. Zheng* “Nanoliter Dispensing Method by Degassed Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Microchannels and Its Application in Protein Crystallization” Analytical Chemistry 2007, 79, 4924.

7.         X. C. Zhou(周学昌), X. D. Ye, G. Z. Zhang* “Thermoresponsive Triblock Copolymer Aggregates Investigated by Laser Light Scattering” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2007, 111, 5111.

8.         X. C. Zhou(周学昌), B. Zheng* “A Microfluidic Dispensing System for Screening Protein Crystallization Conditions” MicroTAS 2007, 1393.

9.         C. Chen, X. C. Zhou(周学昌), Z. Xie, T. Gao, Z. J. Zheng*“Construction of 3D Polymer Brushes by Dip-Pen Nanodisplacement Lithography: Understanding the Molecular Displacement for Ultrafine and High-Speed Patterning” Small 2015, 11, 613-621.

10.     Y. Yu, J. F. Zeng, C. J. Chen, Z. Xie, R. S. Guo, Z. L. Liu, X. C. Zhou(周学昌), Y. Yang, and Z. J. Zheng* “Three-Dimensional Compressible and Stretchable Conductive Composites” Advanced Materials 2014, 26, 810.

11.     Z. Xie?, Y. D. Shen?, X. C. Zhou(周学昌), Y. Yang, Q. Tang, Q. Miao, J. Su, H. K. Wu, Z. J. Zheng* “Polymer Pen Lithography using Dual-Elastomer Tip Arrays” Small 2012, 8, 2664.

12.     Y. Yu, J. F. Zeng, C. J. Chen, Z. Xie, R. S. Guo, Z. L. Liu, X. C. Zhou(周学昌), Y. Yang, and Z. J. Zheng* “Three-Dimensional Compressible and Stretchable Conductive Composites” Advanced Materials 2014, 26, 810.

13.     Z. Xie, C.J. Chen, X. C. Zhou(周学昌), T.T. Gao, D. Q. Liu, Q. Miao, and Z.J. Zheng* “Massively Parallel Patterning of Complex 2D and 3D Functional Polymer Brushes by Polymer Pen Lithography” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2014, 6, 11955.

14.     X. L. Wang, C. Yan, H. Hu, X. C.Zhou(周学昌), R. S. Guo, X. Q. Liu, Z. Xie, Z. F. Huang, Z. J. Zheng* “Aqueous and Air-Compatible Fabrication of High-Performance Conductive Textiles” Chemistry – An Asian Journal 2014, 9, 2170.

15.     R. S. Guo, Y. You, Z. Xie, X. Q. Liu, X. C. Zhou(周学昌), Y. F. Gao, Z. L. Liu, F. Zhou, Y. Yang, Z. J. Zheng* “Matrix-Assisted Catalytic Printing for the Fabrication of Multi-Scale, Flexible, Foldable, and Stretchable Metal Conductors” Advanced Materials 2013, 25, 3343.

16.     X. H. Zhou, X. C. Zhou(周学昌), B. Zheng* “A Pneumatic Valve Controlled Microdevice for Bioanalysis” Biomicrofluidics 2013, 7, 054116.

17.     L. Y. Niu, M. J. Li, X. M. Tao,* Z. Xie, X. C. Zhou(周学昌), A. P. A. Raju, R. J. Young, Zijian Zheng* “Salt-Assisted Direct Exfoliation of Graphite into High-Quality, Large-Size, Few-Layer Graphene Sheets” Nanoscale 2013, 5, 7202.

18.     X. Q. Liu, X. C. Zhou(周学昌), Y. Li, Z. J. Zheng* “Surface-Grafted Polymer Assisted Electroless Deposition of Metals for Flexible and Stretchable Electronics” Chemistry-An Asian Journal 2012, 7, 862.

19.     Z. Xie, X. C. Zhou(周学昌), X. M. Tao, Z. J. Zheng* “Polymer Nanostructures Made by Scanning Probe Lithography: Recent Progress in Material Applications” Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2012, 33, 359.

20.     X. L. Wang, H. Hu, Y. D. Shen, X. C. Zhou(周学昌), Z. J. Zheng* “Stretchable Conductors with Ultra-High Tensile Strain and Stable Metallic Conductance Enabled by Pre-strained Polyelectrolyte Nanoplatforms” Advanced Materials 2011, 23, 3090.

