12月8日:孟加拉国达卡大学A. F. M. Mustafizur Rahman博士报告

  报告题目Diameter-Based Separation and Optical Enrichment of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Porphyrin/Pyrene Nanotweezers or Nanocalipers 

  报告人:A. F. M. Mustafizur Rahman, University of Dhaka 

  报告时间:2015128日(周二)下午16 : 40 




A. F. M. Mustafizur Rahman博士,孟加拉国达卡大学副教授,1995年在孟加拉国达卡大学获得学士学位,2006年在日本山口大学获得博士学位,2008-2010年在日本学术振兴会(JSPS)资助下任外国人特别研究员。现为达卡大学副教授。20156-12月期间在中国科学院国际人才计划资助下在兰州化学物理研究所进行访问交流。 

  Rahman博士的主要研究方向为:1. 应用于生物医药的生物纳米复合材料的制备表征;2. 基于主客体络合的碳纳米管合成;3. 抗菌有机金属和有机分子合成;4. 植物原药中生物活性组分提取。目前已发表在Chem. Sci.Chem. Comm.J. Am. Chem. Soc.等重要学术刊物上发表多篇高水平研究论文。 

  报告简介The authors have been developing host-guest methodology for separation of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) with gable-type diporphyrins, designated as nanotweezers. The chiral porphyrin nanotweezers discriminated the handedness and diameter simultaneously, giving optically active SWNTs with limited (n,m) structures. As an extension of our strategy, based on 1- or 2-position of pyrene, dipyrene nanotweezers and nanocalipers have been designed consisting of various rigid spacers in between and synthesized for the first time to extract SWNTs. We have found that dipyrene nanotweezers and nanocalipers could form stable complexes for separating SWNTs according to their diameters. On the basis of photoluminescence (PL), absorption, and Raman spectra of the SWNTs before and after the extraction, the nanotweezers were found to show high selectivity toward SWNTs with narrower diameter and metallic SWNTs were highly enriched by use of bis(tert-butylpyrene) nanocalipers. 

