

  竹辉   Qiao Zhuhui  







  乔竹辉,19819月出生,山东平度人,中共党员,研究员,博士生导师。金属与陶瓷摩擦学课题组组长,乌克兰国家工程院外籍院士,德国洪堡学者,山东省泰山学者,兰化所青岛中心副主任,烟台中科先进材料与绿色化学产业技术研究院院长,兼任烟台先进材料与绿色制造山东省实验室常务副主任。2009年于中科院长春应用化学研究所获博士学位;2009年获得德国洪堡学者,赴德国弗劳恩霍夫研究协会的陶瓷技术与系统研究所(Fraunhofer Institute of Ceramic Technologies and System)和弗劳恩霍夫研究协会的材料与束技术研究所(Fraunhofer Institute of Materials and Beam)进行科研工作;20123月全职回国,任vic115维多利亚固体润滑国家重点实验室研究员。 

  主要从事陶瓷增韧、轻合金锻造、特种材料的设计制备、失效分析及苛刻工况下长寿命服役行为研究:(1)强韧润滑一体化陶瓷基复合材料的研究,设计制备了系列强韧-润滑一体化陶瓷复合材料,系统研究并阐明了其强韧化机理和自润滑机理,相关成果入选国家十三五科技创新成就展。(2)高性能轻合金锻造技术的研究,掌握了轻合金结构和性能的可控化锻造技术,研发了多种突破性的轻合金锻造工艺,成功实现了锻造铝合金的产业化。(3)机械加工工具用硬质耐磨材料的设计制备,进行了轻金属掺杂制备轻质、抗氧化、自润滑硬质合金新方向的研究及超硬碳化物复合材料的研究,已完成五个牌号超细切削刀具的研发。(4)摩擦学原理及润滑、抗磨设计,开展了自润滑耐磨材料的设计、制备及其在苛刻环境下摩擦磨损机理的研究工作, 设计制备了新型海洋用系列耐蚀合金和陶瓷材料,研究了其在海水环境下的摩擦-腐蚀-磨损行为,设计制备了宽温域固体润滑涂层材料,研制的气浮轴承用固体润滑涂层获得中国机械工业学会技术发明一等奖近年来,发表论文120余篇,申请中国发明专利90多件,已获授权45件。 















  1.于源,乔竹辉*,任海波,刘维民. 高熵合金的摩擦磨损性能研究进展,材料工程,2022. 

  2. Lujie Wang, Zhuhui Qiao*, Qian Qi*, Yuan Yu, Tiongyang Li, Xuejian Liu*, Zhenren Huang, Huaguo Tang, Weimin Liu. Improving abrasive wear resistance of Si3N4 ceramics with self-matching through tungsten induced tribochemical wear. Wear, 2022, 494-495:204254. 

  3. Ma, Wenwen, Huaguo Tang, Tongyang Li, Lujie Wang, Lizhi Zhang, Yuan Yu, Zhuhui Qiao*, and Weimin Liu. "Research about the capacitance properties of ion-induced multilayer and self-assembled monolayer Ti3C2Tx." RSC Advances, 2022, 12 (6), 3554-3560. 

  4. Liu Jiongjie, Dong Changyu, Lu Xuefeng, Qiao Zhuhui*, Zhou Feng, Liu Weimin, Riedel Ralf. Sn-containing Si3N4-based composites for adaptive excellent friction and wear in a wide temperature range. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2022, 42(3):913-920. 

  5. Yuan, Yu, Nannan, Xu, Shengyu, Zhu, Zhuhui, Qiao*, Jianbin, Zhang, Jun, Yang*, Weimin, Liu. A novel Cu-doped high entropy alloy with excellent comprehensive performances for marine application, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2021, 69 , pp.48-59. 

  6. Yu Yuan, Liu XinYi, Duan Haitao, Yang Jun, Qiao Zhuhui*, Li Jian, Li Jinshan. Outstanding self-lubrication of SiC ceramic with porous surface/AlCoCrFeNiTi0.5 high-entropy alloy tribol-pair under 90wt% H2O2 harsh environment. Materials Letters, 2020, 276:128025. 

  7. Yu Yuan, Shi Peiying, Feng Kai, Liu Jiongjie, Cheng Jun, Qiao Zhuhui*, Yang Jun, Li Jinshan, Liu Weimin. Effects of Ti and Cu on the microstructure evolution of AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy during heat treatment. Acta Metallurgica Sinica-English Letters, 2020(8):1077-1090. 

  8. Liu Jiongjie, Yang Jun, Yi Gewen, Ma Jiqiang, Yu Yuan, Qiao Zhuhui*, Hu, Bin, Liu, Weimin. Effect of high-temperature oxidation on Si3N4 containing Ti3AlC2. Ceramics International, 2020, 46(10): 14697-14705. 

  9. Sun Qichun, Yang Jun, Yu Yuan, Zhu Shengyu, Cheng Jun, Tan Hui, Qiao, Zhuhui*. The novel Sialon-Sn composite with high toughness and wear resistance prepared at a lower-temperature. Tribology International, 2020, 147:106239. 

  10. Jiongjie Liu, Jun Yang, Shengyu Zhu, Jun Cheng, Yuan Yu, Zhuhui Qiao*, Weimin Liu. Temperature‐driven wear behavior of Si3N4‐based ceramic reinforced by in situ formed TiC0.3N0.7 particles, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 2019, 102: 4333-4343. 

  11. Qichun Sun, Zixi Wang, Yuan Yu, Jun Yang, Hui Tan, Zhuhui Qiao*, Sialon tailoring copper-based composite to achieve high strength, high strain integrated with excellent wear resistance, Tribology International, 2019, 137: 127–138. 

  12. Jiongjie Liu, Zixi Wang, Jun Yang, Hui Tan, Zhuhui Qiao*, Weimin Liu, TiO2-supported 2D layered carbon derived from CO2 oxidation Ti3C2 for strengthening Si3N4 ceramic, Mater. Lett, 2019, 256: 126646. 

  13. 刘育林, 朱圣宇, 于源, 程军, 宋承立, 乔竹辉*, 胡斌. 铝掺杂WC-Co基硬质合金的高温摩擦学性能、磨损机理及抗氧化性能研究[J]. 摩擦学学报, 2019, 39(05):565-576. 

  14. Jiongjie Liu, Zixi Wang, Bing Yin, Jun Yang*, Qichun Sun, Yulin Liu, Hui Tan, Zhuhui Qiao*, A novel method to prepare self-lubricity of Si3N4/Ag composite: Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties, J. Am. Cera. Soc, 2018, 101: 3745-3748. 

  15. Jiongjie Liu, Jun Yang*, Yuan Yu, Qichun Sun, Zhuhui Qiao*, Weimin Liu, Self-Lubricating Si3N4-based composites toughened by in situ formation of silver, Ceram. Int, 2018, 44: 14327-14334. 

  16. Qichun Sun, Zixi Wang, Jun Yang, Yulin Liu, Jiongjie Liu, Zhuhui Qiao*, Weimin Liu, High-performance TiN reinforced Sialon matrix composites: A good combination of excellent toughness and tribological properties at a wide temperature range, Ceram. Int, 2018, 44: 17258–17265. 

  17. Qichun Sun, Jun Yang, Bing Yin, Jun Cheng, Shengyu Zhu, Shuai Wang, Yuan Yu, Zhuhui Qiao*The tribological properties and wear mechanism of copper coated graphite doped sialon ceramic composites at wide range temperature from 25 to 800 °CTribol. Int, 2018, 123: 10-16. 

  18. Yulin Liu, Zixi Wang, Qichun Sun, Bing Yin, Jun Cheng, Shengyu Zhu, Jun Yang, Zhuhui Qiao*, Weimin Liu, Tribological behavior and wear mechanism of pure WC at wide range temperature from 25 to 800 °C in vacuum and air environment, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2018, 71: 160-166. 

  19. Jiongjie Liu , Zixi Wang, Jun Yang, Bing Yin, Qichun Sun, Yulin Liu, Shuai Wang, Zhuhui Qiao*, Study on tribological behaviors of Si3N4 based ceramics sliding against POM under different solutions, Tribol. Int, 2018, 118: 368-372. 

  20. Qichun Sun, Jun Yang, Bing Yin, Jun Cheng, Shengyu Zhu, Shuai Wang, Yuan Yu, Zhuhui Qiao*, Weimin Liu, High toughness integrated with self-lubricity of Cu-doped sialon ceramics at elevated temperature, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc, 2018, 38: 2708-2715. 

  21. Hui Tan, Shuai Wang, Jun Cheng, Shengyu Zhu, Yuan Yu, Zhuhui Qiao*, Jun Yang*, Tribological properties of Al-20Si-5Fe-2Ni-Graphite solid-lubricating composites, Tribol. Int, 2018, 121:214-222 

  22. Qichun Sun, Jun Yang, Bing Yin, Hui Tan, Yulin Liu, Jiongjie Liu, Jun Cheng, Zhuhui Qiao*, Weimin Liu, Dry sliding wear behavior of β-Sialon ceramics at wide range temperature from 25 to 800 °C, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc, 2017, 37: 4505-4513. 

  23. Jun Cheng, Fei Li, Shengyu Zhu, Yuan Yu, Zhuhui Qiao*, Jun Yang*, Electrochemical corrosion and tribological evaluation of TiAl alloy for marine application, Tribol. Int, 2017, 115: 483-492. 

  24.Kongjie Jin,  Zhuhui Qiao*, Shengyu ZhuJun ChengBing Yin,  Jun Yang,  Friction and wear properties and mechanism of bronze-Cr-Ag composites under dry-sliding conditions, Tribology International201696132-140  

  25.Kongjie Jin,  Zhuhui Qiao*, Shuai WangShengyu ZhuJun ChengJun Yang*,  The effects of the main components of seawater on the tribological properties of Cu–9Al–5Ni–4Fe–Mn alloy sliding against AISI 52100 steel, RSC Advances201666384  

  26.Bing Yin,  Zhenjun Peng, Jun LiangKongjie JinShengyu ZhuJun Yang, Zhuhui Qiao*Tribological behavior and mechanism of self-lubricating wear-resistant composite coatings fabricated by one-step plasma electrolytic oxidation, Tribology International20169797-107  
